Prepárate para una nueva ganadería

Videos formativos para mejorar tus resultados

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Siempre es buen momento para comenzar algo nuevo

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Cursos destacados

Experience premium content designed specifically for you, where there is something for every body, every mood, and every type. As a member you can take your ticket and commit to the ride - anytime, anywhere.

¿Que te ofrecemos?

You will receive actual knowledge from masters of the business. You will do the homework that will form the basis of your portfolio and discuss it with your teachers.

<div class="editor-content"><p><strong>Cursos en Video</strong></p></div>

Cursos en Video

You view the video lectures yourself on any device and in any mode convenient for you. After passing each stage, you consolidate your knowledge in practice.

<div class="editor-content"><p><strong>Clases practicas</strong></p></div>

Clases practicas

Individual practical classes with a teacher take 30-60 minutes and are scheduled. The frequency, pace, and location of classes are your choice.

<div class="editor-content"><p><strong>Foro y Comunidad</strong></p></div>

Foro y Comunidad

You may contact your teacher for advice at any time during your studies. Your teacher will respond to you within 24 hours.

Nuestros principales pilares

"Para alcanzar una ganadería rentable y sustentable, difundimos nuevas tecnologías al alcance de todos los productores."

<div class="editor-content"><p>Jaime Iriarte</p></div>, <p>QA Engeneer</p>

Jaime Iriarte

QA Engeneer

Compartir el conocimiento creando asi empresas mas rentables y un mejor calidad de vida a nuestro ganado

<p><span class="font-bold">Peter Martin</span></p>, <p>Photographer</p>

Peter Martin


n general - only the most positive impressions, both from the whole project and from my teacher.

I would not like to change or add anything to your work. The site works perfectly and the whole system is like a Swiss watch.

<p><span class="font-bold">Jacob Carr</span></p>, <p>Interior Designer</p>

Jacob Carr

Interior Designer

Available in application stores for mobile Available in application stores for mobile tablet and phone

Experimenta ForoRural en todos tus dispositivos

Study from home, at work or while traveling - from a computer or mobile phone. Accessible on all devices including iOS, Android, MACs, PCs, streaming media boxes such as Roku, Apple TV.

Suscríbete mediante nuestros diferentes modalidades

Contamos con 10 dias para que lo pruebes sin compromiso.

price option <div class="editor-content"><p>Mensual</p></div>


U$S 19.99 al mes

Tendras acceso ilimitado a todo el contenido mensualmente

price option <div class="editor-content"><p>Anual</p></div>


$12.99 al mes

This subscription will give you unlimited access to all of our content annually

Eficiencia ganadera: por qué?

Luego de estar una semana en Santa Marta entendemos por qué nos habla de eficiencia Visitamos al mayor referente tecnológico de la Argentina. Aciertos y errores de Pablo Etcheberry

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